## Simonas Karuzas - Lead Protocol Engineer at ConsenSys Mesh R&D - Co-founder at VeramoLabs Full-stack web and mobile developer. Focusing on web3, decentralized identity, verifiable data and reputation. Building open-source developer tools and experiments in the decentalized reputation space [Github](https://github.com/simonas-notcat) [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonaskaruzas/) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/simonas) [simonas.eth](https://zapper.xyz/account/0x19711cd19e609febdbf607960220898268b7e24b) [POAP](https://collectors.poap.xyz/en-GB/scan/simonas.eth) ### 2024 - 2024-02 created [[agent-explorer]] plugins: [Verax](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-verax), [Lens](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-lens) - 2024-01 DIF announced [Veramo User Group](https://blog.identity.foundation/veramo-user-group/) - 2024-01 updated [[agent-explorer]] plugin [documentation](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer/tree/main/packages/plugin) - 2024-01 started working on [[obsidian-verifiable]] - 2024-01 proposal for v2 of [[Collab.land kudos mini-app]] ### 2023 - 2023-12 started reading [[Disciplined Entrepreneurship]] - 2023-12 started writing [[Veramo Cloudflare workers deployment]] - 2023-12 working on [[3D Social Graph Visualiser]] using Rust / Wasm - 2023-12 judge at [DIF hackathon](https://difhackathon.devpost.com) - 2023-12 entered [Bevy Jam 4](https://itch.io/jam/bevy-jam-4/rate/2409021) hackathon - 2023-11 started learning rust. [Blockchain visualiser](https://github.com/simonas-notcat/blockchain_visualizer) using Bevy game engine - 2023-11 gave a [[Demo at RepConnect Istanbul]] - 2023-10 Experimenting with [ZK using Noir](https://github.com/simonas-notcat/noir-board-game) - 2023-10 [Veramo donated to DIF](https://twitter.com/veramolabs/status/1711679218973593758) - 2023-10 [[agent-explorer]] + Brainshare won 5'th place in [Newforum identity hackathon](https://jokerace.xyz/contest/polygon/0x7C8420e6237C9A592EFcAC7777d28FAe78C42394) - 2023-09 created [[agent-explorer]] plugins: [Kudos](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-kudos), [Brainshare](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-brainshare), [Gitcoin Passport](https://thub.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-gitcoin-passport), [Graph View](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-graph-view), [Social Feed](https://github.com/ramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-social-feed), [Developer Tools](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer-plugin-developer-tools), [Codyfight](https://github.com/simonas-notcat/agent-explorer-plugin-codyfight) - 2023-08 added plugin support for [[agent-explorer]] - 2023-07 [POC Codyfight functionality](https://github.com/veramolabs/agent-explorer/pull/125) for [[agent-explorer]] - 2023-04 [POC issuing credentials using PK](https://github.com/veramolabs/private-key-to-vc) - 2023-03 [[Veramo Visual Studio Code extension]] demo - 2023-02 [POC issuing EIP712 credentials](https://github.com/simonas-notcat/veramo-ethers-eip712) with Veramo - 2023-01 [[Veramo Visual Studio Code extension]] demo during Community Call #2 ### 2022 - 2022-12 [[Collab.land kudos mini-app]] - 2022-08 [[Discord Bot]] - 2022-03 [[Veramo Visual Studio Code extension]] - 2022-02 [[Proving Discord membership using Verifiable Credentials]] ### 2021 - 2021-12 learning Cairo / building [Starknet based did method](https://github.com/veramolabs/did-scorpius) , [argent-x](https://github.com/veramolabs/argent-x/pull/1) - 2021-10 contributed [eip712 functionality](https://github.com/tahowallet/hd-keyring/pull/2) to [Taho](https://taho.xyz) wallet - 2021-10 [[neptune-discord-agent]] update - wallet connect - 2021-09 [[neptune-discord-agent]] discord bot - 2021-07 Started working on [[Obsidian plugin]] - 2021-03 NFTs with off-chain reputation [[Pulsar]] - 2021-02 [[Remote Workshop]] - 2021-01 Started working on [[agent-explorer]] - 2021-01 Created [[veramo-react]] - 2021-01 [[Use-cases]] ### 2020 - 2020-12 [[Veramo Github Action]] - 2020-12 [[Mars]] Web / Desktop app to manage Veramo Agents - 2020-04 "Kudos" Discord / Slack / Telegram bot [[i227]] - 2020-01 Started working on [[DAF Dashboard]] ### 2019 - 2019-11 First commits to [[DAF]] (Veramo) repo - 2019-10 [[DAF workshop]] - 2019-06 Second Slack Bot experiment [[i227-slack]] - 2019-05 First experiment with Slack integration [[i227bot]] - 2019-04 Started [[serto-mobile]] - a replacement app for uPort - 2019-01 Proposal to create a "smart city demo", which eventually turned into [[uPortlandia]] ### 2018 - 2018-11 [[Presentation on P2P UX]] - 2018-09 [[Gluon]] MVP video - 2018-06 Started working on [[Verifiable Claims explorer]] - 2018-04 [[Proposal for creating DIDs and VCs]] - 2018-01 Work Started working on [[Gluon]]: Decentralised communities, reputation and tokens ### 2017 - 2017-11 [[uPort off-site in Mexico]] - 2017-10 Joined Consensys as a mobile developer to work on [[uport-mobile]]